How can I produce a text file list of all members in Launchpad team?
For example, this page only shows the list of users in batches of 75:
I would like to get the whole list in one text dump.
How can I produce a text file list of all members in Launchpad team?
For example, this page only shows the list of users in batches of 75:
I would like to get the whole list in one text dump.
As explained by @Rinzwind, you'll need to make multiple queries to take into account the pagination or use python and launchpadlib to handle the pagination for you:
Besides mailing someone to get a list of members I doubt it will be possible to get this list in 1 go. The URL has a parameter in it to expand the amount of names but the maximum amount of members you can get on 1 page is
That would make it 8 pages you need to copy/paste. This would be the quickest 1 time usable solution.
If you can code you could make a script for this. Maybe someone can expand on this:
wget --no-check-certificate
will get the 1st 300.wget --no-check-certificate
will get the 2nd 300.wget --no-check-certificate
will get the 3rd 300.With a combination of
and maybe some other tools it should be possible to get the names from commandline.I download these 3 to 3 text files and the command...
grep class=\"sprite\ person\" * |more
gets me all the lines that have a name in it (with a bit of overhead) for this file.
You can use for this if you want to code a program for it.