As instructed here I added the following lines to my emacs
configuration file:
(set-frame-parameter (selected-frame) 'alpha '(85 . 50))
(add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(alpha . (85 . 50)))
But nothing changed. Every post that I checked on-line suggested that the above should work.
So I logged out of my i3
windows manager and logged in using Mate Desktop
and viola the transparency worked!
So question now is: what else do I have to do to make emacs
transparent on i3
EDIT: I am using feh
to set up my desktop background.
p.s.: I have the gnome terminal transparent on i3
and it works fine.
You want this:
Clone it into your emacs folder:
git -C ~/.emacs.d/ clone
then add the following lines to your init.el:
Note: This only seems to have an effect when emacs is run in a terminal, i.e.
emacs -nw
, although I have only just found it myself so not sure if it can apply to "GUI Emacs" too.