Packaging a theme isn't much different than any other kind of packaging. There are a number of other questions under the packaging tag that might help you out. There are also a number of links to tutorials on the tag wiki. The way that I learned packaging, and that I like to suggest to others, is to simply look at packages like yours. apt-get source something similar and learn by example.
Run dch --create in the directory to create a properly formatted debian/changelog entry.
debian/copyright should look like:
Upstream-Name: myScript
Upstream-Contact: Name, <email@address>
Files: *
Copyright: 2011, Name, <email@address>
License: (GPL-2+ | LGPL-2 | GPL-3 | whatever)
Full text of licence.
Unless there is a it can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses
debian/compat can just be: 7
#!/usr/bin/make -f
dh $@
Source: my-theme
Section: gnome
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Name, <email@address>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7)
Standards-Version: 3.9.2
Homepage: http:///
Package: my-theme
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}
Description: short description
A long description goes here.
It can contain multiple paragraphss
If you need a specific theme engine for your theme, make sure that you put that on the Depends line as well.
my-theme usr/share/themes
Now build it with debuild --no-tgz-check
This will create a functional deb package. Lintian is going to throw a few warnings regarding the lack of an orig.tar.gz, but unless you plan on creating a proper upstream project that makes tarball releases you'll probably just want to ignore that for now.
How to upload to a PPA is covered in more detail on Launchpad, but essentially what you need to do is upload the files with: dput ppa:your-lp-id/ppa /path/to/your/source.changes
If you haven't created you PPA yet, that is covered here.
Packaging a theme isn't much different than any other kind of packaging. There are a number of other questions under the packaging tag that might help you out. There are also a number of links to tutorials on the tag wiki. The way that I learned packaging, and that I like to suggest to others, is to simply look at packages like yours.
apt-get source
something similar and learn by example.Though, let me start you off in the right direction. (This answer is very similar to my answer about packaging python scripts.)
Here's your basic source package layout:
dch --create
in the directory to create a properly formatteddebian/changelog
entry.debian/copyright should look like:
debian/compat can just be:
If you need a specific theme engine for your theme, make sure that you put that on the
line as well.debian/install:
Now build it with
debuild --no-tgz-check
This will create a functional deb package. Lintian is going to throw a few warnings regarding the lack of an orig.tar.gz, but unless you plan on creating a proper upstream project that makes tarball releases you'll probably just want to ignore that for now.
If you want to put different variations into separate deb packages, take a look at: How to have Debian packaging generate two packages given an upstream source archive?
How to upload to a PPA is covered in more detail on Launchpad, but essentially what you need to do is upload the files with:
dput ppa:your-lp-id/ppa /path/to/your/source.changes
If you haven't created you PPA yet, that is covered here.