I am using Kubuntu 11.10 (32-bit). I tried to install KDenLive in it. For installing KDenLive, I added the third party repository to get the latest version of the software . After installing its giving an error to upgrade MLT Module to version 0.7. Please tell me how to upgrade MLT Module. Is there any other video editing program that lets me cut a part of the video.
Could you tell how and from where did you try to install the Kdenlive ?
At here
From the Ubuntu repositories: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=kdenlive&searchon=names&suite=oneiric§ion=all
Package version is 0.8
Browsing to the Kdenlive home: http://www.kdenlive.org/
Binary section for Ubuntu: http://www.kdenlive.org/user-manual/downloading-and-installing-kdenlive/pre-compiled-packages/ubuntu-packages
They are recommending Sunab's PPA.
That is: https://launchpad.net/~sunab -> https://launchpad.net/~sunab/+archive/kdenlive-release
Adding the ppa:sunab/kdenlive-release:
Updating the package database:
Launching the Kdenlive...
Seems to work.
Edit - the libmlt++3/libmlt4/libmlt-data/melt version
The kdenlive, version:, is depending the libmlt++3/libmlt4/libmlt-data/melt, without any package version restrictions.
If you have those installed then those won't be upgraded with the install kdenlive.
To fix this, run the upgrade:
It should upgrade those packages to the latest version from the Sunab's PPA.
Other options
Yes there are many video editing programs. I'm using the Avidemux.
Avidemux home: http://avidemux.berlios.de/
Wiki: http://www.avidemux.org/admWiki/doku.php
It is available from the Ubuntu repositories:
avidemux-qt: http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric-updates/avidemux-qt
There is also a GTK version - package: avidemux.
Few editors available from the Ubuntu repositories:
kino: http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/kino
openshot: http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/openshot