I have an Asterisk server running Ubuntu 16.04 on VBOX on my local host. Also have two Ekiga clients: one on a different Ubuntu machine (on VBOX) and one on my local host (windows 10).
I just finished configuring Asterisk and at least thought I did well, but when I'm trying to make calls between the two Ekiga Clients it doesn't make them.
Error: "Call from guy to extension '100' has rejected because Extension not found"
altough I DID configured that extension as you can see in the photo: when I run dialplan show 100@phones
it shows me the dial plan.
no communication problem between peers and server as server NOTICED when i Started ekiga clients. also when i command
'sip show peers'
I can see the two peers available
exten => 100,1,NoOp(print something)
exten => 100,2,Dial(SIP/Asterisk)
exten => 100,3,Hangup
Maybe the operation number 2 isn't alright because I don't have a SIP provider (internal network)?
Please check the following photo to see that Asterisk does acknowledge the clients: on asterisk cli
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