In a course named ethical Hacking for beginners , I learned that wifi has some modes in which we can switch between but I don't know that what was the normal mode and how to switch on it
I used following commands :-
ifconfig wlo1 down
iwconfig wlo1 mode monitor
ifconfig wlo1 up
The "normal" mode is called managed. Just type:
You may need to restart some services that you killed:
Managed mode is what you want:
And then restart networking:
Make sure your adapter is showing up. If it's not up, run:
Restart the services that you killed.
service network-manager start
will give a message saying it's not installed. Hence, run:Your Wi-Fi adapter should restart at this point, so give it a second to show up.
I recently had this problem but what fixed it for me was
I hope this helps, Some useful commands I've learned along this journey are
// lspci / displays pci //
Lsusb / ports //
Netstat - I /network services //
Ip link show / can display your wlan0 card if not detected by ifconfig
// Lspci also helps //
Rfkill show all / my laptop had a "hard block" button that had an override over my wlan0, pressing ctrl c fixed this for me //
Iwconfig / was used to check the status of my wlan0 card //
Airmon-ng / showed my wlan0 card type as I originally thought it was a driver issue //
Dhclient wlan0 / started a dhcp client as to try to resume connectivity // //WL-
3 year-old question, but none of the answers seem to work anymore. What you want to do is run:
replace wlp3s0mon with your wifi adapter name. Mine gets renamed from wlp3s0 to wlp3s0mon so I use that (this is when running wifite2). I even put the two commands into a bash script so I can double-click on it. It'll ask for root password, do its thing, and close the terminal.