I updated my kubuntu from 17.04 to 18.04 by updating to 17.10 and directly continuing to 18.04
After reboot Plasma didn't come up, but luckily via alt + F2 I get a bash.
I have a Dell Latitude E5450 with a Nvidia GeForce 840M, latter is a plain pain in the ass since I got this laptop. So I strongly suspect that it is the culprit this time, too.
sudo ubuntu-drivers devices
gives me
- nvidia-390 as recommended
- nvidia-340
- nouveau as open source driver
I tried all of them and every time I get stuck with a black screen and a cursor, which doesn't even blink.
How can I check if the culprit is really the graphics card (again....) or something else? Which log do I have to check?
And if it is in fact the graphic card, has someone ideas how to solve this mess?
This question seems to solve the problem for Gnome, but I use kde: No GUI after Kubuntu 18.04 LTS upgrade from 17.10
sudo apt-get --reinstall install plasma-desktop
Hasn't got any effect.
I think it is a problem with nvidia drivers. After login to console check
journalctl -xb
and look on Xorg part of logs. If you have kernel 4.16 probably you should try to install v396.24 - downloadable from nvidia support site. Check what showdkms status
What I finally did was a new install by shrinking my partition and install it on a new one fresh. And: Tadaaa.... I saw colours. Graphics.... and have to configure my huge load of applications again. Luckily I made a backup before.
So the upgrade performance was totally shitty, while the actual installation of the system worked. No clue why.
still show the same output, but the GUI is present.
Sorry that I cannot give any more help other than: Don't upgrade, reinstall. Again upgrade it didn't work. :(
I don't think this has anything to do with your nvidia drivers. I had the exact same problem; apparently, when you run kde / plasma, you end up with nothing when running the normal upgrade procedure.
I can't find back my history, but I think I ran the following in the end:
After that you still have to select 'plasma' as desktop before logging in! Also, then plasmashell crashed when I clicked a panel, but after ALT-F2 and typing 'plasmashell' that restarted again and then everything was ok.
Edit: added the second sudo command. I'm not 100% sure what I did, or what is needed; but if this helps someone then please add a comment ;).
Try restart the plasmashell:
kquitapp5 plasmashell && kstart5 plasmashell
note: I use nvidia 440 proprietary driver on KDE Neon 20.04 using 'Performance Mode' PRIME profile in