My Desktop has got 6GB Nvidia GTX 1060 which has the compatible recommended nvidia driver as nvidia-396. Tried installing it using
sudo apt purge nvidia-390
sudo apt install nvidia-kernel-source-396
sudo apt install nvidia-driver-396
Please refer to this thread for more details. and disabled noveau using this
sudo vi /etc/default/grub
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nomodeset"
sudo update grub2
But I am having the resolution problems...800X600 resolution...even xrandr says so that it is the maximum possible resolution.
The same is happening to my Dell XPS 9560 laptop which has Nvidia 1050 GPU. I followed the same steps for it. I am having Ubuntu 18.04.
what could be the issue? It seems 18.04 release is yet not that stable for nvidia.
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