I did some search, and all I get are:
- Screenlets
- gDesklets
- Universal Applets
- Conky
Out of which conky seems to be the most anticipated but all of them seem to be deprecated.
gdesklets died and universal applets arised which also lost it's development
Screenlets went as far as 16.10 but that too is kinda buggy
There are some discussion threads, but they date back to 2008, 2010.
I'm currently using conky and it's working great with configurations from DeviantArt. Also there's CoverGloobus as a sincere music widget(I'm not sure about it's development though).
Can someone who's been around for a while guide us newcomers?
Ubuntu uses gdm3 nowadays and there it is called gnome extensions. You can find them on the extensions.gnome.org. From the 1st link: