What would make re-install hang while it installed 18.04.1 easily the first time a week ago?
I decided to re-install, this time with whole disk encryption, and start fresh.
I inserted the USB stick, re-booted, and the system hung up with a blank black screen with a solid, unblinking cursor. The hard drive appeared to be spinning hard. Nothing else happened, the drive just spun and the blank, solid cursor stayed in place. I left it for five minutes, then tried again, leaving it for 10 minutes, and saw no changes. I checked the BIOS boot order and it was on the USB stick. On the first installation it wasn't instantaneous, but it loaded and gave me a screen within a minute as best as I can recall. This time not.
I checked the Wiki for re-installation - it pointed me towards something called UbuntuInstaller, which my command line doesn't recognize. If I need to add the USB to Network settings I could use advice on that.
What am I doing wrong?
In the boot order step, the USB was listed twice. I should have chosen the one without the "EFI" at the end. It works fine now.