I am here to ask you if it is possible for a ramdisk to get corrupted and if so, is it possible to verify the surface of it?
I am here to ask you if it is possible for a ramdisk to get corrupted and if so, is it possible to verify the surface of it?
I am going to autoresponder because I have continued looking and I managed to deduce how I can check if there is a defect in the allocated space of the ramdisk.
First let's create the ramdisk. In this example it will have a size of 1 GB:
To make the ramdisk permanently available, add it to /etc/fstab.
Once mounted, we proceed to install F3 rom the link of the official page F3 (Fight Flash Fraud) or with the command:
Assuming that they have installed it using the above command, in the terminal they should write the following and in the following order:
Write the data in the free space:
Read the test data:
And enjoy the storage in a space free of errors.
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