Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
deleted: Assignment_3/Apriori/bodon_trie.pdf
deleted: Assignment_3/Apriori/farhanSir.pdf
deleted: Assignment_3/Apriori/output.txt~
deleted: Assignment_4/Comparision/report.aux
deleted: Assignment_4/Comparision/report.log
deleted: Assignment_4/FPGrowth/FPGrowth.class
deleted: Assignment_4/FPGrowth/FPGrowthApplication.class
deleted: Assignment_4/FPGrowth/Node.class
deleted: Assignment_4/FPGrowth/Result.class
This is the output of git status
I want to delete this from git cache using git rm --cache Assignment_3/Apriori/boden_trie.pdf ?/farhanSir.pdf
I don't want to type Assignment_3/Apriori
for each file.
Use Bash brace expansion:
You can install bleachbit and it has an option for deleting files or folders.