I had several tutorial videos stored on my computer, I could run them all, while Ubuntu 16.04.was installed.
Since I have installed Ubuntu 18.10, it is not possible to play any video. I always get the message: File cannot be played, H264-Decoder is necessary.
In the Ubuntu Wiki can't find a solution.
Can someone help? Please!
Have you tried installing the restricted extras package? That normally covers most non-free media formats.
The command to use is:
Full instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats
Install VLC it comes with all the codecs you need.
The media player that comes with Ubuntu is unable to read *.mp4 files, so you have to install a media player that can read these special codecs, I suggest VLC.
To install it,
method 1:
run the following command from the terminal:
sudo apt install vlc
method 2:
open ubuntu software (press the Windows button then type 'ubuntu software' in the search bar) then search for VLC and install it.
Support to decode MPEG-4 AAC is provided by gstreamer1.0-libav and to decode H.264 there is ffmpeg:
sudo apt-get install gstreamer1.0-libav ffmpeg