I need to make an application in Vala, using Gtk, that supports keyboard accelerators that can be changed by the user.
First, I add an entry to the global Gtk.AccelMap and then set the accel_path for the Gtk.MenuItems. But, it doesn't work. The accels don't appear in the items of the menubar. To clear what I'm trying to do, here is a sample code:
// main.vala
public class MyWindow: Gtk.Window {
public MyWindow() {
this.set_default_size(500, 500);
var main_box = new Gtk.VBox(false, 0);
// Menubar
var menubar = new Gtk.MenuBar();
main_box.pack_start(menubar, false, false, 0);
var file = new Gtk.MenuItem.with_label("File");
var file_menu = new Gtk.Menu();
var quit_mi = new Gtk.MenuItem.with_label("Quit");
// Register a new accelerator with the global accelerator map
Gtk.AccelMap.add_entry("<MyWindow>/File/Quit", 'Q', Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK);
// Connect signals
// Label
var label = new Gtk.Label("My Window");
main_box.pack_start(label, true, true, 0);
int main(string[] args) {
Gtk.init(ref args);
var win = new MyWindow();
return 0;
I use:
valac main.vala -o main --pkg gtk+-3.0
to compile the source code.
So, the question is: what's missing in the code? I think I need to do something else, but I don't know what.
Could you please clarify whether you want mnemonics (keyboard shortcuts for gui widgets i.e. ctrl-q) or accelerators (keyboard shortcuts for activating menu items i.e. alt-f q). As far as I understand these are two different things, so setting a mnemonic for a menu item will not also form a accelerator for it.
In any case, for the accelerators you can form them by simply creating your menu items with a different function:
in stead ofGtk.MenuItem.with_label("File")
. It is then re-definable with e.g. the file.set_label('Fil_e') functionFor the mnemonics, I'm not exactly sure why it doesn't work, as I'm totally new to vala. But I was able to piggy bag of of this c-example and get it to work using accelerator groups in stead of the accelerator map. So I replaced
and that seems to do the trick.
I hope it helps. Regards TLE