To my surprise and delight I was able to do this. I figured I should document it somewhere. It synthesizes a couple other answers I found to guide me but focuses on a case that I haven't seen addressed directly.
This is my situation: a couple years ago I replaced my home computer. My old computer was running Ubuntu 14. My new one is running Ubuntu 16. On the old computer, I was making regular backups to an external drive using backups/deja-dup/duplicity.
A couple days ago, the hard drive on my old computer (Ubuntu 14 one) died. I had copied over most the important stuff to my new computer (Ubuntu 16). However, there was a projects folder that still had some older projects that I hadn't gotten around to copying over. So I wanted to see if I could restore this folder from the backups on the external drive.
This is the path of the folder from my old computer I wanted to restore:
This is the path of the folder on my external drive where the backups were being saved (after plugging external drive into new computer):
I wanted to restore it to a folder at this path on my new computer:
First, a quick refresher from question above on the key paths I'll be working with here:
Command Line
From command line, here at the command I ran to restore the backup. See the next section for a step-by-step guide with explanation:
Step-By-Step Guide
Here's a break down of the commands below with explanations for each command:
Plug in external drive to new computer and confirm it's accessible:
and backups were in folderu2014
.Confirm I can see backed up files from older computer:
to deal with this import error:
prefix for my backups folder path.Back up
on my new computer just to be safe in case duplicity tries to restore the backup folder to same path for some strange reason:Here's where the magic happens (it was a somewhat large directory so it took a few minutes in my case):
And to confirm all went well, I should now see my old project directory restored: