I have a Rubik's Futuro Cube and would like to use the desktop suite for customisation and the like.
I have previously had the program and want to install it on my new machine which is running Ubuntu 18.04.
Is there a way I can match the old dependencies to run it?
The download link is here (Completely virus free, taken directly from the website.).
And here is the full downloads page.
Install a Ubuntu Trusty for the next steps, or read my second answer to visualize a Trusty in Ubuntu Bionic or Debian Strech with LXC (Linux Container).
mkdir -p ~/work/rubiks/; cd ~/work/rubiks/
wget http://isle.princip.cz/download/futurocube/sdk_suite/rubiks-futuro-cube.SC1.8.tgz
tar xfvz rubiks-futuro-cube.SC1.8.tgz
cd rubiks-futuro-cube
vim INSTALL.txt
sudo apt install python ipython python-imaging python-serial python-wxgtk2.8
sudo apt install ia32-libs
(from INSTALL.txt, not longer needed)sudo adduser $USER dialout
To be honest, it is a little more tricky, than I thought. But as I have a similar problem on my own, I've just created a solution that works for you, too (tested). Very helpful to understand all commands is this Blog article: https://blog.simos.info/how-to-easily-run-graphics-accelerated-gui-apps-in-lxd-containers-on-your-ubuntu-desktop/
# apt install snapd
# apt purge lxd; snap install lxd
# lxc init
(In Debian Stretch I need to add /snap/bin/ to $PATH for root manually)$ echo "root:$UID:1" | sudo tee -a /etc/subuid /etc/subgid
$ lxc profile create gui
$ wget [....]lxdguiprofile.txt
see https://blog.simos.info/how-to-easily-run-graphics-accelerated-gui-apps-in-lxd-containers-on-your-ubuntu-desktop/ for details$ cat lxdguiprofile.txt | lxc profile edit gui
# adduser [user] lxd
(new login needed, seeid
if you are already joined the group, than /snap/bin should also be available in $PATH)$ lxc launch --profile default --profile gui ubuntu:trusty rubiks
$ lxc exec rubiks -- sudo --user ubuntu --login
$ sudo apt install python ipython python-imaging python-serial python-wxgtk2.8
$ wget http://isle.princip.cz/download/futurocube/sdk_suite/rubiks-futuro-cube.SC1.8.tgz
$ tar xfvz rubiks-futuro-cube.SC1.8.tgz
$ cd rubiks-futuro-cube
$ ./rubiks-futuro-cube
I've got no cube here, but I'm seeing your application.
If you're done, cleanup the playground (or stop here and keep it as long as you need).
$ exit
-> goes back to the physical system$ lxc stop rubiks
$ lxc delete rubiks