I am wondering if it is possible to prevent a word wrap in figlet.
I am using it to display the date - time:
watch -t -n1 "date +%Y-%m-%d.%H-%M-%S|figlet -p"
In my terminal the output is
|___ \ / _ \/ |/ _ \ / _ \| ___| / _ \___ / / _ \ ( _ ) |___ \
__) | | | | | (_) |_____| | | |___ \ _____| | | ||_ \| | | |/ _ \ _____ __) |
/ __/| |_| | |\__, |_____| |_| |___) |_____| |_| |__) | |_| | (_) |_____/ __/
|_____|\___/|_| /_/ \___/|____/ \___/____(_)___/ \___/ |_____|
___ ____ ___
/ _ \ | ___| / _ \
| | | |____|___ \| | | |
| |_| |_____|__) | |_| |
\___/ |____/ \___/
I am use to terminal word wrapping text based on the width of terminal. Some how the word wrap happens between the 2 minute digits.
I know the only thing I know how --- Adding "-p" to figlet. This had no effect.
I can see a
option in figlet's manual to specify the width. So something likefiglet -w 999
should do the trick.-p
seems to influence how figlet handles newlines on its input, thus is irrelevant here.