I have used oh_my_zsh (and tinkered with bash_it) on multiple systems and have generally been happy with it, though I hate it's auto-correction feature and generally turn it off.
My usual shell is zsh and I really want just three things from my prompt:
- Current directory/or pwd.
- Git status and branch.
- Color output from ls (on the ls command, not in the prompt).
The rest is just bling and is often irritating.
By using these shell scripts I am paying too much in cpu cycles for what I want.
Any suggestions, either with using these scripts or as a separate shell script. I am OK with either zsh or bash.
The man page of bash has a section PROMPTING (shouting in the original), from which I only cite the beginning:
You can include the result for a command - since I don't know git well enough, I use $(date +%S) as example:
I don't understand requirement 3. Is this a request how to define colors for ls?
Ah - from the question on U&L, I think you're asking for such a thing:
In ~/.bashrc I have an entry:
to use ls per default with --color=auto.