On Ubuntu 19.04 x86_64, I cannot launch inkscape due to the following error message.
% inkscape
Wrong __data_start/_end pair
[1] XXXX abort inkscape
The same issue arises with w3m.
% w3m
Wrong __data_start/_end pair
[1] XXXX abort w3m
I tried the reinstallation ("apt purge inkscape && apt install inkscape") but still see the same error message. How can I resolve this issue?
I found a solution by myself. The zsh built-in command "unlimit" written in my .zshrc was the cause of this issue. Removing "unlimit" from .zshrc, inkscape and w3m can be launched normally now. Strictly speaking, "unlimit stacksize" seems to be the root cause.
The questioner solved their own question: