I just updated to Ubuntu 19.04 and now some of my .desktop shortcuts don't work anymore.
For example, this:
#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
[Desktop Entry]
Icon[en_GB]=/home/leonardo/Photoshop/AMT/Core key files/ProductIcon/ps.ico
Exec=env WINEPREFIX="/home/leonardo/Photoshop" wine64 "/home/leonardo/Photoshop/Photoshop.exe"
Icon=/home/leonardo/Photoshop/AMT/Core key files/ProductIcon/ps.ico
Used to launch Photoshop perfectly, now it just opens a gedit
window for me to edit the text file of the shortcut itself.
Did something change? What do I do?
From the comments...
The "Desktop" in 19.04 works differently than in the past... and really... only folders of stuff work there now... individual items probably won't work until they finish their programming for that.
MOVE the .desktop file into the
folder. Hit the SUPER key and typePhotoshop