I'm using super+1 to access the first item on the dock/launcher, which is Google Chrome.
I want to have super+2 bound to another instance of Chrome, so that I could go between them with my keyboard.
I have tried creating a dedicated chrome profile (Profile 4) and adding a chrome-2.desktop
entry with the following:
#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=google-chrome --profile-directory=Profile\ 4
Name[en_US]=Chrome-Profile\ 4
Name=Chrome-Profile\ 4
Now I have 2 Chrome icons in Applications:
and I can indeed drag&drop the newly created Chrome to my launcher:
The problem is, when I click it, or do super+2 in keyboard, it opens a new window but binds it to the first dock item, so I get two Chrome instances on the first item, and nothing on the second one:
What am I missing here? Is this even possible? I don't mind downloading anything the would be nice to solve it in a "clean" way.
strong textThings tried:
adding StartupWmClass=Profile4
and Exec=google-chrome --profile-directory=Profile\ 4 --class Profile4
as mentioned in the comments. the result is still opening the windows under the first chrome dock item, and displaying this:
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