I went through the website for Tilix and came across a very beautiful shell prompt in one of the images on the website. I want to know if that is just for show(a gimmick) or is it actually possible to have such a prompt...
This question is not similar to other question as it does not mention any software in it. It is not a normal prompt configuration. It is at best an attempt to get software recommendation.
How can I install and use powerline plugin? or Where can I find a complete reference for the $PS1 variable? do not cover the scope of this question as I did not know that a software such as powerline
existed but did know that simple modifications to PS1 does not give the output desired in other words understanding PS1 references does not solve the problem mentioned above
What you're looking for here is powerline.
You can install it by following these steps :
and add the following to the end :
now close and reopen your terminal.