I want to run two different instances of a program in two different terminals. and check the variables inside the program if they match all the time or not.
What I really want to do here is, do observational Determinism in two different programs. I will be calling different functions in both the programs in both the terminal and their respective states.
How can I do so?
I will be running a program, that runs fuzzing campaign on a solidity contract(these are the codes that govern the rule of an application on Ethereum Blockchain).
This program echidna
(https://github.com/crytic/echidna), run campaign only on one file of the contract.
I want to test the same file in 2 different terminals, with the same set of inputs provided to it.
So, here I want to compare the state transitions on both the campaigns. Som can I somehow, share their variable storage pool, and compare the states?
(I will add the functionality to temporarily store the states)
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