When do I run "apt-get update" on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS? Is it ever necessary under Long Term Support?
After reading the suggested duplicates I don't believe my question is a duplicate. I already know what apt-get update does, but that wasn't my question.
If you have set
System settings (icon in the Launcher) > Software and updates > / Updates \ > Automatically check for updates:
to something else than "Never", then you shouldn't need to do anything from the command line.$ sudo apt-get update
will launch a process to check for available updates "now".$ sudo apt-get upgrade
will install the updates based on what was found.$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
simplified: if any packages were "held back" during the upgrade, this will install them.For upgrade and dist-upgrade, and also anything install, remove or purge:
Do check thoroughly what it says before actually letting it to do its thing.
There MIGHT be surprises.
Links worth a look:
What does "sudo apt-get update" do?
To answer your question quickly; right after a fresh install of the operating system, before installing software, after adding new repositories to install software, and as often as possible.