I need to install a driver on Ubuntu with this guide but i'm having some trouble with some parts of it.
Below is the definition to be added to the platform definition file:
I'm using Ubuntu 18.04 and dug around where the platform data file might be located and i saw /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/include/linux/platform_data/nxp-nci.h.
Is this the correct platform definition file?
pn5xx_i2c.h must be included in the platform definition file
since there was a part of the instruction that says "pn5xx_i2c.h file must be copied to include/linux kernel source sub-folder", to do this part i just referenced pn5xx_i2c.h in the nxp-nci.h file by adding:
Then the declared nfc_board_info structure must be added to the platform using dedicated procedure (platform specific).
From my understanding, I'd have to edit this part of the code:
static struct i2c_board_info __initdata nfc_board_info[] = {
I2C_BOARD_INFO("pn547", 0x28),
.platform_data = &nfc_pdata,
that I added to the nxp-nci.h file and change 0x28 to whatever my platform is.
Assuming I did this part correctly, there should be a /dev/pn544
device node created which i can check by running cd /dev/
and ls
. However, there is no pn544 device listed in my /dev folder so there must have been something wrong in one of the processes.
I also tried using device tree as was suggested here but I did not find any .dts files from the /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/arch/arm/boot/dts
folder. I was also told that it might not be applicable because my PC is not an ARM-based Linux device.
Did I miss a process or could it be an NFC compatibility issue with Ubuntu?
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