I have been facing this issue daily, after about 10 hrs of usage Ubuntu becomes terrible slow, it lags a lot. Operations that take less than a second tend to take about 10 or more seconds. On the browser, the right click takes 3 or 4 seconds for the context menu to load. But I am surprised that the available memory remains high.
$ free -h
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 7.7G 3.3G 1.3G 160M 3.1G 3.9G
Swap: 42G 232M 42G
I use Visual Studio Code and Google Chrome mainly. After reboot I can run 20 tabs in Chrome without any lag, but by the day end having even 5 tabs are an issue.
`:+ssssssssssssssssss+:` -------------
-+ssssssssssssssssssyyssss+- OS: Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS x86_64
.ossssssssssssssssssdMMMNysssso. Host: X550JX 1.0
/ssssssssssshdmmNNmmyNMMMMhssssss/ Kernel: 5.0.0-29-generic
+ssssssssshmydMMMMMMMNddddyssssssss+ Uptime: 21 hours, 13 mins
/sssssssshNMMMyhhyyyyhmNMMMNhssssssss/ Packages: 2023 (dpkg), 253 (brew), 14 (snap)
.ssssssssdMMMNhsssssssssshNMMMdssssssss. Shell: bash 4.4.20
+sssshhhyNMMNyssssssssssssyNMMMysssssss+ Resolution: 1920x1080
ossyNMMMNyMMhsssssssssssssshmmmhssssssso DE: GNOME 3.28.4
ossyNMMMNyMMhsssssssssssssshmmmhssssssso WM: Mutter
+sssshhhyNMMNyssssssssssssyNMMMysssssss+ WM Theme: HighContrast
.ssssssssdMMMNhsssssssssshNMMMdssssssss. Theme: Adapta-Nokto-Eta [GTK2/3]
/sssssssshNMMMyhhyyyyhdNMMMNhssssssss/ Icons: Papirus-Dark [GTK2/3]
+sssssssssdmydMMMMMMMMddddyssssssss+ Terminal: gnome-terminal
/ssssssssssshdmNNNNmyNMMMMhssssss/ CPU: Intel i7-4720HQ (8) @ 3.600GHz
.ossssssssssssssssssdMMMNysssso. GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M
-+sssssssssssssssssyyyssss+- GPU: Intel 4th Gen Core Processor
`:+ssssssssssssssssss+:` Memory: 2925MiB / 7862MiB
When Computer was slowing down
I was just watching a video on youtube.
$ free -m
# During this period the available memory/total memory *100% was almost 22%
$ sudo turbostat --quiet --Summary --show Busy%,Bzy_MHz,PkgTmp,PkgWatt,GFXWatt,IRQ --interval 15
Busy% Bzy_MHz IRQ PkgTmp PkgWatt GFXWatt
11.24 2264 58904 71 8.45 0.00
12.52 2410 86882 69 9.55 0.00
16.10 2788 112149 71 13.65 0.00
14.90 2369 92329 69 10.36 0.00
14.65 2168 77409 70 9.42 0.00
11.97 2103 79929 77 8.28 0.00
9.52 1960 63216 67 7.08 0.00
8.97 2336 60808 66 8.01 0.00
9.88 2580 46957 67 8.91 0.00
11.72 2602 55961 67 9.88 0.00
17.09 2361 79915 78 10.81 0.00
17.84 2741 83690 69 13.63 0.00
8.99 2303 48682 67 7.92 0.00
10.51 2340 61382 67 8.59 0.00
10.40 2308 53089 69 8.17 0.00
11.57 2109 72846 68 8.25 0.00
13.31 2308 62574 68 9.66 0.00
15.68 2119 89204 72 9.88 0.00
14.00 2292 67976 69 9.92 0.00
16.62 2478 82244 70 11.42 0.00
19.11 2430 90892 73 11.73 0.00
22.15 2461 89086 72 12.98 0.00
21.22 2421 83160 72 12.49 0.00
21.43 2428 91860 72 12.75 0.00
17.80 2442 65388 72 11.27 0.00
22.05 2572 77970 78 13.46 0.00
23.69 2688 67063 77 15.52 0.00
14.99 2542 65569 72 10.65 0.00
6.94 2427 39241 71 7.21 0.00
7.10 2130 36799 68 6.23 0.00
9.77 2265 45388 69 7.81 0.00
13.90 2446 62467 68 10.07 0.00
9.48 2495 42634 69 8.21 0.00
12.90 2591 59494 67 10.40 0.00
16.84 3012 49785 83 16.95 0.00
17.91 3244 51814 76 19.79 0.00
17.57 2950 54539 90 16.75 0.00
17.89 3147 55712 73 18.56 0.00
When Computer was working fine
I was running a bash script for batch processing.
$ sudo turbostat --quiet --Summary --show Busy%,Bzy_MHz,PkgTmp,PkgWatt,GFXWatt,IRQ --interval 15
Busy% Bzy_MHz IRQ PkgTmp PkgWatt GFXWatt
15.07 2692 42570 76 12.74 0.00
17.27 2838 43539 89 15.39 0.00
18.77 2830 48453 77 15.95 0.00
16.38 2866 45129 90 14.79 0.00
20.88 2975 58471 94 18.65 0.00
18.35 3038 51718 78 17.96 0.00
10.61 2560 31928 81 9.53 0.00
4.83 1691 19197 70 4.06 0.00
7.77 1556 27624 68 4.93 0.00
6.42 1751 20653 80 5.05 0.00
15.13 2742 38587 69 14.11 0.00
20.14 2962 51125 88 18.20 0.00
22.33 3078 50598 86 19.84 0.00
20.85 2873 64946 85 17.27 0.00
15.51 2758 45702 87 13.56 0.00
13.59 2691 40346 85 12.79 0.00
16.53 2814 44112 85 15.33 0.00
19.50 2969 47386 78 17.68 0.00
24.29 3181 55619 80 21.42 0.00
19.83 3012 48117 84 17.54 0.00
17.39 2894 46105 76 15.95 0.00
13.62 2733 39877 79 12.79 0.00
16.91 2857 44110 77 15.68 0.00
15.77 2939 37861 82 15.40 0.00
13.42 2680 36564 75 12.59 0.00
8.06 1998 26089 71 6.17 0.00
6.30 2230 21428 69 5.66 0.00
9.70 2006 30448 70 6.40 0.00
17.36 2812 46268 75 15.55 0.00
21.81 3095 49851 86 20.15 0.00
18.58 2854 49990 87 16.71 0.00
17.49 2771 50942 84 15.14 0.00
20.62 2989 48209 85 18.16 0.00
17.46 2797 41752 83 15.45 0.00
17.47 2823 44291 79 15.38 0.00
21.57 3032 47860 84 18.86 0.00
21.33 3069 66774 97 19.70 0.00
27.15 3282 71376 90 26.12 0.00
16.62 2735 48096 81 14.64 0.00
15.88 2761 47882 90 13.73 0.00
27.55 3122 66182 81 22.79 0.00
15.76 2818 45970 75 14.23 0.00
4.25 1534 17575 71 3.57 0.00
3.33 1498 14550 68 3.26 0.00
10.71 2276 36448 73 8.19 0.00
15.65 2746 42236 71 14.19 0.00
16.02 2780 41543 79 14.67 0.00
15.52 2731 40590 70 14.07 0.00
15.51 2795 41968 85 14.69 0.00
16.97 2803 43944 78 15.16 0.00
17.43 2852 48317 80 16.01 0.00
19.63 2908 53122 74 17.34 0.00
8.79 2413 35149 70 7.09 0.00
7.60 2095 29110 68 6.20 0.00
3.43 1550 15492 66 3.46 0.00
3.90 1648 16872 63 3.56 0.00
4.16 1555 17133 63 3.63 0.00
6.84 2000 23774 62 5.48 0.00
12.35 2658 37123 80 10.73 0.00
9.18 2130 31543 63 6.80 0.00
cat /var/log/kern.log
: http://agarwal-nikhil.gitlab.io/gist/SlowDown/KernLog.html,cat /var/log/syslog
: http://agarwal-nikhil.gitlab.io/gist/SlowDown/SysLog.htmljournalctl
: https://agarwal-nikhil.gitlab.io/gist/SlowDown/JournalCtl.html
Notes from Intel:
According to Intel for my processor Thermal Design Power is 47 Watts. Refer: Intel® Core™ i7-4720HQ Processor (6M Cache, up to 3.60 GHz) Product Specifications
According to Intel: Thermal Design Power (TDP) represents the average power, in watts, the processor dissipates when operating at Base Frequency with all cores active under an Intel-defined, high-complexity workload. Refer to Datasheet for thermal solution requirements.
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