I am running Ubuntu 19.04 on a Surface Go. There is the default on-screen keyboard which looks exactly like the ones on phones.
But I need (at least sometimes) the extra keys like Alt, Ctrl, and Umlauts.
So I would like either too enhance the default layout or disable it and use Onboard. I couldn't find any useful hints.
Could anyone help me here?
From the Ubuntu Documentation:
Press the flag (
) button to change your settings for Language or Input Sources.
If you are unable to do so, you can change the layout of the keyboard via following this guide.
To qoute from the article:
If you wish to configure the keyboard for the current session only, run
Then select the layout with the extra keys (like Alt, Ctrl and umlauts).
If you want to replace the On Screen Keyboard, use this guide to install florence keyboard to your system. It is extremely configurable.