I have searched around but could not find a tutorial on how to add a progressbar or progress notification within KDE plasma. My aim is pretty simple: make a rsync backup script which is fired up by cron/anacron and placed in /sbin to be run as root and to backup my whole system (via ssh). Furthermore to show a progressbar in KDE plasma's notification area when the script starts is executed by cron/anacron. So far a have used the script from this ubuntuusers.de: https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Skripte/Backup_mit_RSYNC/
Okay i have found a good solution using zenity. Below i attached some todos for users who are not familiar with all those admin stuff ;)... What the script is doing:
Here is the script:
TODO to get it working:
Create a $rsyncuser on the remote host and create a group where you add the rsyncuser to and also the normal user. Change the permission so that the new group can access read and write the $destinationpath of your backup.Don't forget to install the ssh key to the new user, so that no password is required when sshing!
As to preserve the right permissions on the backuped files and directories add you have to allow the $rsyncuser to run
sudo rsync
(on the remote machine) without password prombt:sudo visudo
and addrsyncuser ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/rsync
Grab a beer and perform backup!
Don't forget to add the directory where the private key of your ssh connection is lying. Otherwise it would be a security issue!
Feedback appreciated!