So it's been a while I am puzzled with this question. A few years ago when I wanted to see passwords stored by chromium I had to enter my computer admin password but now (different computer, different ubuntu version) it's not the case. Concretely anyone accessing my computer and opening chromium can browse and snoop at all my passwords.
I checked my ~/.local/share/keyrings directory and it gaves me the following
my@comp:~/.local/share/keyrings$ ls -al
total 1336
drwx------ 1 jb jb 134 nov. 17 20:38 .
drwx------ 1 jb jb 1022 nov. 18 10:32 ..
-rw------- 1 jb jb 754439 nov. 17 20:38 login.keyring
-rw------- 1 jb jb 300628 janv. 5 2018 login.keyring.temp-1715131298
-rw------- 1 jb jb 300628 janv. 5 2018 .temp-IARUBZ
-rw------- 1 jb jb 207 mai 5 2017 user.keystore
I tried a couple of google searches but people are more focused on how to stop chrome asking for a password on their Windows computer (quite the exact opposite, Windows' users seem to be less sensitive to security issues... ^^,)
Thanks a lot in advance for you help ! :-) (About the above picture: clicking on the eye icon directly shows the password in chromium settings)
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