$ cut -d' ' -f5 /var/log/syslog.1 | sed -e 's/\[.*//' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
1 colord
1 cracklib:
1 update-notifier.desktop
2 avahi-daemon
2 gsd-color
3 dhclient
5 PackageKit:
6 nm-dispatcher:
7 whoopsie
8 snapd
12 NetworkManager
14 dbus-daemon
20 gvfsd-metadata
29 smartd
40 gnome-shell
53 anacron
78 gnome-software
78 systemd
174 CRON
725 org.gnome.Shell.desktop
More than two thirds of the syslog
entries are from gnome.
For Ubuntu 18.04, is this:
- normal.
- normal, but configurable to report only the significant events.
- broken, something needs to be changed.
Under 16.04 with Unity Desktop things look much different:
On my system I get a lot of permission errors with
but I really don't care enough to spend the time to fix them. Your errors for Gnome desktop should probably be researched.