When downloading a large file, there is a big discrepancy beween the actual file size (which I care about) and the allocated (ie, final) size (which I usually don't.)
$ ls -lshk
9962420 -rw-r--r-- 1 stevebennett staff 19G 16 Jan 14:30 parcelsclip.zip_.gstmp
In this case, the file will be 19GB eventually, but right now, it's only 9.96GB, as indicated by the first column.
Is there a way to have that 19G column show the current size (9962420), but in human-friendly terms (10GB)?
du -h filename
instead ofls
."du" stands for "disk usage", and although usually used for directories, it also reports for single files the amount of disk space they actually occupy.
makes it report human readable numbers, e.g. "10.0G".