Please can someone point me to the logfile/whatever that will provide some information on what causes this message to pop up. I'm sure I can fix it, provided I have more information than some Microsoft-like generic message.
I could even follow kernel code, but without some pointers on where to look for what the problem actually is, trawling blindly through millions of line of code isn't gonna work.
I did a fresh install of Ubuntu 19.10 onto a drive (SSHD) with boot partition and then LVM partitions for swap, root & home, with another 2 'vms' & 'bulk' leaving 25% of VG free.
To copy stuff into 'bulk' I would mkdir a folder in terminal, use (sudo nautilus) to change owner & group from root to my account, then copy stuff (normal nautilus) from old drives. Also installed new software as I went.
I realised 'bulk' was too small and did lvextend +256G in terminal. Strange: I still couldn't copy my files as not enough room. Did a reboot fine, except when I tried to log in, (I think) I got
How can I work out WHY it's failed, so I can fix it? (logging out and in again does NOT fix it)
I trawled through
(thanks, user535733). It had over 4K lines when limited by manual timed bookends, and 'error' occurred 65 times. I noticed the specific error when comparing it to a working 19.10. The lines in question areThe fix Gnome not starting on 19.10 with my existing user but does start with a new user was to remove
If your are using Virtualbox or Vimware try to enable 3D acceleration by going to setting > Display > enable 3D acceleration Hope will help