I am new here and also new to Unix. I have Ubuntu 18.04
I am about to create a shell later so that I can just click on the file for opening multiple applications for one of my Workspace (1)
For the moment I have just tried to do the commands in the terminal
vivaldi &vivaldi url1 &vivaldi url2 &vivaldi url3
The problem is that when I hit enter, it opens these windows on my workspace 0 while i am active on my workspace 1.
However sometimes it opens on my existing workspace 1. Mostly it doesn't. So I am confused why.
Anyone who can help? Is there any way to force it to open on my active workspace?
I found out the reason it jumps to my other workspace is because i have tabs opened there allready. So it continues to open there.
Anyways.i made this with Wmctrl:
wmctrl -s 1 #Switches to workspace 1 [workspaces are numbered from 0] &vivaldi url1 &vivaldi url2 &vivaldi url3 & #Opens tabs with specific urls.
The problem is that if i have vivaldi allready opened at workspace 0 and not in workspace 1, then this script creates those tabs in workspace 0.
To start a new instance of Vivaldi in workspace 1 i can however use Ctrl+n. And then off course run the script.
So how can i enter the shortcut "Ctrl + n" into this script?