I want to ask linear algebra question on reddit but i couldn't find any techniques to write special mathematical notation such as i hat and j hat via keyboard.
I want to ask linear algebra question on reddit but i couldn't find any techniques to write special mathematical notation such as i hat and j hat via keyboard.
In this educational resource there is a complete list of symbols arranged in alphabetical order.
The simplest way I have found to use them is to copy and paste from the resource.
Try using the keyboard layout of a language that actually uses hats, like French, for example (hats are called accents circonflexes).
Check the steps here https://askubuntu.com/a/1030433/1066357 on how to add and select a language, and assign a keyboard shortcut to switch keyboard layout. You can add any variant of French.
Then you just have to switch to French layout using the settings or the keyboard shortcut, type ^ (the key immediately to the right of P, see below) then j.