If you need to disable ubuntuone from autostarting at login
Syncdaemon is autostart service. So if you just need to disable the autostart part when you login to your session. Go to /etc/xdg/autostart and do
sudo sed --in-place 's/NoDisplay=true/NoDisplay=false/g' ubuntuone-launch.desktop
It seems it is is started via dbus daemon.
apt-get remove ubuntuone-client will uninstall it.
Or you could rename /usr/share/dbus-1/services/com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.service and restart dbus, that might work as well.
Ubuntu One comes with the commandline tool
to control it.Basically the gui control panel cannot quit the syncdaemon but can connect/disconnect it.
If you need to control syncdaemon start/stop it
you have
u1sdtool --start
andu1sdtool --quit
If you need to connect/disconnect it
you have
u1sdtool --connect
andu1sdtool --disconnect
u1sdtool --help
for all the available commands.You can do connect/disconnect through control panel gui as well.
There is a indicator for ubuntuone as well: What Application Indicators are available?
If you need to disable ubuntuone from autostarting at login Syncdaemon is autostart service. So if you just need to disable the autostart part when you login to your session. Go to
and dosudo sed --in-place 's/NoDisplay=true/NoDisplay=false/g' ubuntuone-launch.desktop
and disable it from
Not sure if this works, but you can stop (and start) the client by using the commandos
u1sdtool --quit
u1sdtool --start
soure: Subfolders not syncing in Ubuntu One
It seems it is is started via dbus daemon.
apt-get remove ubuntuone-client
will uninstall it. Or you could rename/usr/share/dbus-1/services/com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.service
and restart dbus, that might work as well.In a terminal, first list all services to ensure you call stop on the correct one:
then (still in the terminal)
and to restart:
NB: the square brackets are not part of the command and should be removed :-)