I know that anyone could say that this question already exists but my problem still exists. So what do you suggest?
I have a folder in my laptop and i want it to be accessible from my desktop and my other devices.BUT only sub folders are syncing and no content of them.
Thanks, any help would be great!
For copying files Ubuntu One needs read access. You've to check if Ubuntu One has that access.
First determine which user and usergroupt runs Ubuntu One by using
On my machine it gave me this result
Get the corresponding name of the GID
Results will be like this:
You can see that usergroup
has group id1000
Now check the folder you want to sync
Now get a view of the folder
Output is something like this:
The line tells me this
Root has read and write permissions. Group has read permissions. Owner has read permissions.
This line tells me that the owner of the file is
and the group is'orangetux'
Now you know if Ubuntu One has permissions to upload the file.
When group/user is oke, but the group/user has no permission you can change it with this command
Which gives read access to root, group and user in this directory.
When group/user of Ubuntu One aren't the same as the files, you can add the Ubuntu One user to the usergroup of the file with this command: