The intention was to remove steam
- 1st:
sudo apt-get remove steam
[if steam was installed via terminal] - 2nd:
rm -rf ~/.local/share/Steam && rm -rf ~/.steam
[remove steam dependencies]
But I installed steam via Lutris once and Ubuntu Software and uninstalled it via Lutris and Ubuntu Software
However after searching for any steam files in the terminal, I found the following [many files] but I have pointed out to one file for this investigation and analysis.
mlocate steam
There are endless steam packages and files, including this steam.desktop file
However If you try to navigate to it, you get the following:
cd /usr/share/applications
/usr/share/applications$ ls
I cannot find the steam.desktop file??
I also tried to open a different file and you get the following.
xdg-open /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/steam.png
No such file or directory
Can someone please provide clarity as to why these files are visible but cannot be navigated to or opened.
is a tool that reads its findings from one or more databases created or refreshed by the command:Update the database and try again.
Or use
:But this can take a while, when your drive(s) are bigger.