I have Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fosa) minimal installation on my machine.
I can't stream Netflix videos. It returns Error Code F7355.
Same problem happens with Firefox and Chromium.
DRM is activated by default.
I did not have this problem with previous full/normal installations of Ubuntu.
Ubuntu's minimal installation (20.04 and previous versions) doesn't come with one or some codecs required for streaming Netflix. It's not an issue with the web browser (Firefox, Chromium, etc), nor with DRM, since it comes activated by default these days.
The error message informed by Netflix doesn't help to understand nor to solve the issue (image below copied from https://help.netflix.com/en/node/105186).
FFMPEG is a complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. It's known as the "Swiss-army-knife in the field"!
I am just not sure exactly witch of it's dependency libraries solves the problem.
At Ask Ubuntu Question 1237114 the solution is attributed to
. Actually, I thinklibavcodec-ffmpeg-extra56
, witch is a dependency of bothffmpeg
, is where relies the solution. Didn't try it alone though.