Alt+tab generally switches between windows, and I've found out that it works fine as long as the mouse pointer isn't in the middle of the screen. If it is, alt+tab switches to the last used window, but after half a second, it switches focus to the window, the mouse pointer is pointing at!
Am I the only one who finds that behavior extremely annoying? I mean, I know I can avoid that by parking my mouse above or below the alt-tab window line, but I fail to see how anyone could want this behavior.
This problem is reminiscent of this one from eight years ago, only it doesn't involve the mouse pointer. Is it really the same problem, or is this a different one?
As proposed by @vanadium, this is the way to go when I thought my mouse pad was dead:
Although, as it should, this disables the desired effect of tap-to-click, so this should be a temporary workaround.