There is a question: How to get Scilab 6.1.0 working on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS? that shows how to install Scilab 6.1.0 from either the Scilab tar from Scilab or from Ubuntu 20.10. The first one is for the CLI only -- I need the GUI. The second one forces the replacement/deletion of numerous libraries as well as applications that I need (such as grace). Is there any way -- without smashing other applications and staying with LTS only -- to get a working Scilab current GUI and CLI? (My understanding is that LTS is intended to be similar to Enterprise Linux whereas non-LTS is intended to be similar to Fedora -- I only used Scientific Linux -- a supported port of Enterprise from Fermilab/CERN -- until SL7 was the last distro -- there will be no SL8.) Unlike the Scientific Linux Users list in which the detailed line-by-line CLI output or configuration file, when I attempted to do this same approach for this Ubuntu "list", a Ubuntu list moderator removed the detailed output, and thus no one on this list can tell me specifically what to do to correct the use of the 20.10 Scilab (e.g., without detailed information, one cannot make a proper detailed recommendation -- this field is supposed to be computer science and engineering or perhaps IT). Is there a SNAP Scilab current GUI? Take care. Stay safe.
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