I have upgraded from an almost default 11.10 install to 12.04. All went well and I can login, logout, etc. without any problem.
One very interesting thing about the Project Hamster notifications, though. I have set Hamster to remind after every 27 mins. I do not get these notifications. However, if there is no activity set, I see the notification.
In 11.10, I used to get both the notifications.
What is wrong? How do I set it right?
By the way, the notifications work quite well in Unity. But in Gnome, the problem continues.
Update: the notifications are now back in git master. Follow the instructions here for how to install (it's pretty straight forward).
Also when looking for hamster answers i can recommend always checking with the buglist ;) https://github.com/projecthamster/hamster/issues?sort=created&state=open