Ever since upgrading to 12.04, I've lost my custom super-s shortcut that I've been using through xbindkeys. Moreover, assigning super-s to commands using the "keyboard shortcuts" settings panel fails to take effect. I am assuming some part of 12.04 UI is stealing that binding; I am running Xmonad using Gnome's fallback mode, so I have no idea what (if anything) super-s is supposed to do on 12.04.
What is stealing the super-s binding and how can I stop it?
If you're in Unity 3D, you can go to
OR in human terms/you don't know what gff is: Open up CompizConfig-Settings-Manager, then go to "Expo", then inside the first tab "Keybinds" there should be a keybind called "Activate", click on the pencil next to it, and write "disabled"