I have just installed "minimal" system from the ubuntu-20.10-live-server-amd64.iso ISO.
I'm doing this way because there is no mini.iso for 20.10.
I see that this system is very big (4.6 Gb!), has 577 deb-packages, contains Snaps (/snap is 506 Mb), cloud-init
package and other unneeded (for me) stuff.
Is it possible to transform such system to the mini.iso-like set of packages?
It is possible by careful comparison of the installed package lists and file-systems.
To have a reference we need to install the 20.04 LTS from its mini.iso and then upgrade it to the 20.10.
It does not have
, uses 3.8 Gb and has 372 deb-packages.Warning: do not proceed if you are unsure or if you have installed or configured many stuff to the system.
At first we need to remove Snap:
Then remove extra packages:
Then install packages which are exist in system installed from mini.iso with
Finally adjust the configuration files by removing leftovers of Subiquity-installed system:
and by adding configuration files from mini.iso install:
Then reboot and enjoy.
As you can see the above process is a bit difficult and not user-friendly.
So I want to draw attention to this problem and invite you to participate in poll at Ubuntu Discourse.