Problem: Inability to install Vuze torrent client using VuzeInstaller.tar.bz2. (
What did an author do:
FIRST STEP - 0. Downloaded the file (obviously!)
NEXT STEP - 1. Extracted the file into specific directory
-Technically 2-4 steps can be avoided by simply opening the README.txt file in extracted folder, but it was done according to the tutorial.-
NEXT STEP - 2. The work: Terminal -> cd 'directory'
Output: Navigated to the directory
NEXT STEP - 3. The work: Once in a directory - looked for a file named INSTALL/INSTALL.TXT/README
NEXT STEP - 4. The work: Terminal -> xdg-open README.txt
Output: the file got opened
NEXT STEP - 5. According to tutorial - This file will contain the right steps to follow to continue the installation process.
In this case the file gives the following output:
"REQUIREMENTS: Azureus requires Sun Java 1.5.x or newer to run. JRE 1.6 (6.0 series) is highly recommended.
RUNNING: 1 Extract the contents of this .tar.bz2 file. 2. Change to the 'azureus' directory where the files were extracted. 3. Start Azureus by running the script named 'azureus'; ex. "./azureus"
NOTE: If you have the Java JRE installed somewhere unusual (or not in your PATH), use the JAVA_PROGRAM_DIR option in the script."
NEXT STEP - 6. Working according to readme.txt:
6.1 Extract the contents of this .tar.bz2 file.
The work: well, the directory I am in is already the one resulting from extracting the .tar.bz2 file. Perhaps the tutorial refers to the azureus2.jar file?
Output: extracted file and folder name changed to Azureus
6.2 Change to the 'azureus' directory where the files were extracted.
The work: Terminal -> cd Azureus
Output: changed directory
6.3 Start Azureus by running the script named 'azureus'; ex. "./azureus"
The work: Terminal -> azureus'; ex. "./azureus
Output: '> ' (empty line, pending, doesnt do anything)
Conclusion: following the tutorial didnt work in my case.
NEXT STEP - 7. According to tutorial - there is also another way of installing, called classic approach, which I checked. The classic approach: extract the file -> cd dir_name -> ./configure -> make -> sudo make install or checkinstall
The work: Terminal -> cd Vuze
Output: changed doirectory
The work: Terminal -> ./configure
Output: bash: ./configure: No such file or directory
The work: Terminal -> make
Output: make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
The work: Terminal -> sudo make install
Output: make: *** No rule to make target 'install'. Stop.
The work: Terminal -> checkinstall
Output: make: *** No rule to make target 'install'. Stop.
**** Installation failed. Aborting package creation.
Cleaning up...OK
... Conclusion: using the classic approach did not work in my case.
- If both the classic approach and the readme.txt file approach do not work - author is desperately looking for assistance.
Best Regards!
Try this:
Assuming the VuzeInstaller.tar.bz2 file was downloaded at ~/Downloads
Open a terminal.
Run into it.
tar -xjvf VuzeInstaller.tar.bz2
cd vuze