I'm interested in Ubuntu Cloud Infrastructure with MAAS (based on Openstack from what I understand) but cannot find any architecture diagram which gives an overview of how MAAS works.
The case is Ubuntu Cloud Infrastructure with MAAS.
It requires at least 10 nodes (as described in Installing Ubuntu Cloud Infrastructure) and this "10 MAAS nodes architecture" would typically be a perfect candidate for an architecture diagram!
Wouldn't it be an easy/reality-based way to understand how MAAS works and what it offers?
Looking for docs, I stumbled upon a technical and up-to-date documentation with architecture diagrams(!): Revisiting OpenStack Architecture: Essex Edition
Could we imagine that an architecture diagram and/or description could be provided to easily understand how a minimal 10 nodes Ubuntu Cloud Infrastructure with MAAS installation works?
if someone deploys maas+juju for openstack, please run
juju status --format=png > architecture.png
I am in the process of designing a system to deploy MaaS/Juju/Openstack/juju-jitsu. The diagram below displays the architecture that I think is necessary for the minimum install as specified by the docs. I have also been working on a juju overview document found here.
Note 1: I found this thread useful in determining the configuration for the 6 MaaS node architecture. To get the 10 node based architecture, the diagram can be expanded to have one server per node.
Note 2: For the 6 node architecture, the minimum number of physical computers is 7.
Note 3: For the 10 node architecture, the minimum number of physical computers is: 11.