I created a package for Launchpad PPA and want to upload it to Launchpad. I've used dput
command and this is what I get:
tomica@home:~/Desktop$ dput ppa:{MY_LAUNCHPAD}/ppa packagename_0.0.1_source.changes
Uploading packagename using ftp to ppa (host: ppa.launchpad.net; directory: ~{MY_LAUNCHPAD}/ppa)
running supported-distribution: check whether the target distribution is currently supported (using distro-info)
{'allowed': ['release'], 'known': ['release', 'proposed', 'updates', 'backports', 'security']}
running required-fields: check whether a field is present and non-empty in the changes file
running checksum: verify checksums before uploading
running suite-mismatch: check the target distribution for common errors
running check-debs: makes sure the upload contains a binary package
running gpg: check GnuPG signatures before the upload
Uploading packagename_0.0.1.dsc
Uploading packagename_0.0.1.tar.gz
Uploading packagename_0.0.1_source.buildinfo
Uploading packagename_0.0.1_source.changes
I would think that this means my upload was successful. However, when I visit my PPA, it's empty. Why is that?
If I try to upload my package again, this is what I get:
tomica@home:~/Desktop$ dput ppa:{MY_LAUNCHPAD}/ppa packagename_0.0.1_source.changes
Package packagename was already uploaded to ppa
If you want to upload nonetheless, use --force or remove packagename_0.0.1_source.ppa.upload
This means that my package should be visible and accessible, but it isn't. What am I doing wrong?
For future reference, here's the explanation:
file. This is considered a bug and was reported here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1910403To clarify this, I was assisted by good people at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/694768. @ArchismanPanigrahi many thanks for suggesting to ask there.