I just shifted to Ubuntu Mate 20.10
. I prefer to use i3
as my window manager. However I am unable to login into i3
through lightdm
Even if I select i3
from the gear icon on the login screen, it keeps logging into Mate
. It's been frustrating.
I tried the obvious
sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm
but that doesn't work!
So I suspect some config file in usr/share/lightdm
or .dmrc
is to be blamed for this behavior! I have tried tinkering around and changed mate
to i3
on some of these files. But it has not worked so far!
Please help.
p.s.: just-venting-out: Why do Distros do this?! :(
I can confirm the discovered behavior on fresh Ubuntu MATE 20.10 VM.
I have reported bug 1910279 to LaunchPad.
As a workaround you have to remove Arctica Greeter by:
then install Slick Greeter back with
then apply green MATE theme from Ubuntu MATE 20.04 LTS to it by executing long single command
then reboot and login to i3 session.
Also I would recommend to revert all manual changes, which you have done.
All system files are controlled by APT and your method is incorrect.
sudo rm /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/31_ubuntu-mate.gschema.override; sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas ; sudo apt-get install arctica-greeter