I have installed Maestral and activated the "Start Maestral on login" option on preferences.
But Maestral doesn't start at login.
Here is the content of ~/.config/autostart/maestral-maestral.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Version = 1.0
Type = Application
Name = Maestral
Exec = /usr/bin/python3 -m maestral_qt -c maestral
Icon = maestral
Terminal = false
Categories = Network;FileTransfer;
GenericName = File Synchronizer
Comment = Sync your files with Dropbox
I am able to start it with /usr/bin/python3 -m maestral_qt -c maestral
EDIT: I have Ubuntu 20.10
Yo can easily add the command to Startup Applications as follows.
Search in applications for Startup Applications and click on it to run:
In Startup Applications click the Add button then enter
in the Name: field,/usr/bin/python3 -m maestral_qt -c maestral
in the Command: field andRun Maestral on login.
in the Comment: field then click the Save button like so:That's it. Now, every time you login, Maestral will start automatically.
The above steps will create a new
file in~/.config/autostart/
and you can runls ~/.config/autostart/
to find the file and see how it's done the right way. The file might be named after the first part of the command i.epython3.desktop
and if you runcat ~/.config/autostart/python3.desktop
you should see something like this: