I have 12.04 running on Intel dual core with Nvidia 8400 GS. I had installed the post-relase updates for Nvidia, but encountered some problems, so removed [deactivated] them through "Aditional drivers".
After restarting, when I went to install the recommended version current drivers through "Additional drivers", I get the following error:
Sorry, installation of this driver failed.
Please have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log
Remove all possibly installed packages:
Clean up:
Install driver:
You can try this link and follow the instructions:
It works fine in my computer when I successfully installed it.
Steps :
Go to http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?s=8ef6fcfc7083462c3969f5bd80cee8e1&t=122606
Select and click Desire Nvidia Version [173,96,etc], then click the FTP link
Download the .run file (ex. NVIDIA-Linux-[]-pkg[].run)
Run the file in the terminal -> sh NVIDIA-Linux-[]-pkg[].run
Another solution that I found out is this :
In my case, Im using Linux Mint, but i guess that all repositories in this os is still the same as in Ubuntu, Using Linux Mint Maya (Ubuntu 12.04 equivalent in precise) I followed this forum
Since Nvidia-96 is not available on any higher versions (precise and upper i guess), in this forum, they tried to get the Nvidia package to a lower ubuntu version (oneiric) and use it to their current OS and downgrade their xorg to oneiric.
Now these steps are still working in my system, and I'm using oneiric nvidia-96.
you can't do it with solution use for ubuntu 11.10 because in 12.04 had a driver nvidia default open sources.
I tried all solutions, and none worked for me...
Then, without X, I just removed all nvidia stuff, rebooted the computer... for my surprise, it was all working by itself... instead of using nvidia-current/current-updates drivers, Unitiy solved it for me (and I can even handle the monitors in the "Display" application, as never did before).
Kudos for Ubuntu!
To install/Update Nvidia card drivers open Terminal and copy the following commands in the terminal:
When installation complete restart your PC. Now to check the installation is successful Press Window/Super key and type: nvidia x server settings and open it.
That's it Enjoy.