I cannot start my shadow pc. It starts up and acts like it will connect but then fails at the last moment with Error code: R-0x7F.
Attempts to fix the issue on my part:
- Tried on android and ubuntu. Both the same issue.
- Using the troubleshooting, tried shutting down the shadowpc and attempting to access again.
- Using the troubleshooting, tried shutting down the shadowpc. Then attempted to start in safe mode using the safe mode option in troublshooting
- I reset the shadowpc from my account web page.
- Attempted steps recommended by Bot
Honsiedog from Shadow Support shared these libs for me to install, after install, works great!
sudo apt install gconf2 libgles2-mesa libubsan0 libuv1 libva-glx2
I wrote a snippet to explain how install and fix it: https://gitlab.com/-/snippets/2189195
Download the libraries: shadow.asarLibs.zip
Extract the zip file:
Create a new file
:Allow the program to run and start it: